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I'll be chatting/rambling here occasionally about what i'm making, sewing or what i'm learning walking this life...and all the blessings that have come my way. Please leave me a comment. I'd love to hear from You!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Good Grief!
Ok I admit it...I've been struggling the last couple of weeks.
Really in the pits. Why you ask? Did something horrible, dreadful, life threatening happen? No
Has some awful tragedy befallen you or your family? No, thank God ,No! So what is my problem?

Here is what I've learned ....very slowly...very, very slowly ...the last month.

I can take a lot. I can take something bad happening to me pretty darn well. My leaning in skills to the Lord...pretty stinkin' good when something is going on with me...BUT let it be to one of my kids....Good grief...I have a lot to learn.

Before I make this sound even worse than it was...this was not a huge deal in the span of a life time. But my daughters heart was breaking. Watching it..made me crazy. With a capitol C. Well Shelia...how is your daughter doing??? Here is the funny part...(not funny haha, but funny peculiar) she is doing much better than me. In fact, if I could choose, I don't think I'd take this particular trial from her. She has grown so much in her faith. She has leaned into the Lord. She is going though the fire and putting God as her number one, she and the Lord have built quite the Ebeneezer this last month.

So back to what I've learned...or am learning. I have a hard time turning over my kids to the Lord. Well...actually...I turn them over pretty quickly...but then....I snatch them back...and I turn them over...and I snatch them back. You get the picture. And on and on this last month has gone.

So I've decided this has been GOOD GRIEF. Who could possibly love my kids more than me?...of course my Lord. I know there are plenty of lessons for me...I'm still unpacking them. But the last month as it turns out has been GOOD GRIEF.

I'm so glad that my GOD is slow, kind and gentle with me...so glad HE is so patient. With His grace I will learn to put all my troubles at HIS feet...and quit tripping over my own.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

blogging break

Hey sweet bloggin' friends....

I think i'm on vacation....

i seem to have nothing to say.....

be back in a week or so! :)

blessings shelia

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thank You for the Cross


Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice
You became nothing, poured out to death
Many times, I've wondered at your gift of life
I'm in that place once again
I'm in that place once again

And once again I look upon the cross where you died
I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside
Once again I thank you
Once again I pour out my life

Now you are, exalted to the highest place
King of the heavens, where one day I'll bow
But for now, I marvel at this saving grace
I'm full of praise once again
I'm full of praise once again

And once again I look upon the cross where you died
I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside
Once again I thank you
Once again I pour out my life

Thank you for the cross
Thank you for the cross
Thank you for the cross, my friend

Have a wonderful Sunday!
blessings Shelia